Foster Youth in Transition Program
Foster Youthin TransitionProgram
OCR provides attorneys through the Foster Youth in Transition Program to empower older youth to make important decisions about their lives while receiving developmentally appropriate services and supports as they transition into adulthood.
Get Started
If you or someone you know is interested in the program, start a referral.
Whois this for?
Typically, youth in the program are between 18 and 21 years old and meet the following three requirements:
- Have an open dependency and neglect (D&N) case, had an open D&N case when they turned 18, lived in foster care on or after their 16th birthday, or lived in “non-certified kinship care” on or after their 16th birthday and a court found them dependent and neglected.
- Are willing to sign a Voluntary Services Agreement (VSA) with a county department, or have signed a VSA and are complying with most of it.
Are or intend to be in school, working towards a GED, working at least 80 hours per month, or participating in activity to help them get a job.
(An exception to this requirement applies to youth who are unable to participate in the listed activities due to a medical condition supported by updated information in their case plan.) - The info above describes who usually qualifies for the program, but there are exceptions! If you think you or someone you know may qualify, please complete a Referral Form to refer the youth to OCR.
Find helpful resources for what to expect if you have an FYTP case, resources and services that may be available to you in the FYTP, and more eligibility information.