
OCR is committed to ensuring that children and youth have a voice in the Colorado legal system through effective attorney services and advocacy. To further this goal, OCR supports and promotes youth empowerment throughout the court process, including youth participation in court hearings and case events. Find resources for youth including the Foster Youth in Transition Program here, and remember that your guardian ad litem (GAL) and/or Counsel for Youth (CFY) can also help you!

Foster Youthin TransitionProgram

OCR provides attorneys through the Foster Youth in Transition Program to empower older youth to make important decisions about their lives while receiving developmentally appropriate services and supports as they transition into adulthood.

Whois this for?

Typically, youth in the program are between 18 and 21 years old and meet the following three requirements:

Foster youthrights

If you are living in foster care or participating in the Foster Youth in Transition Program, you have rights. Click the link below to learn more.

Feedback& Input

Please consider talking with your GAL and/or Counsel for Youth (CFY) before filing a complaint.

Resources forYouth

Find resources for youth including what to expect during your case, resources as you leave foster care, and other tools to help you today. Remember that your guardian ad litem (GAL) and/or Counsel for Youth (CFY) can also help you with these resources!

Resources forProfessionals

Find professional resources about youth attending court, best practices for youth engagement, and the Foster Youth in Transition Program.