Attorneys Help Center
AppointmentEligibility Lists
Below are OCR’s official attorney appointment eligibility lists. A judge or magistrate must appoint OCR attorneys to court cases.
JudicialDistrict Map
Find contact info for your OCR Staff Attorney Liaison by Colorado judicial district.

Where can I find wellbeing resources tailored to legal professionals and staff?
Please navigate to Additional Resources ( and click on the heading "Colorado Lawyer Wellbeing Program" for a wealth of up-to-date supports.
Where is the current OCR Chief Justice Directive?
Chief Justice Directive 04-06 governs all appointments made through OCR. Find a link to the current version in What We Do.
Where can I find the GRID book?
Navigate to this website's GRID page to find the Guided Reference in Dependency (GRID) book.
Where can I find CARES help?
Search the CARES Help Center (this link or simply "Help" in the main left side menu in CARES) for an introduction to OCR's billing and case management system, tutorials about each essential feature from entering cases to invoicing, streamlining tips, and expert answers to your questions.
How do I add new staff in CARES?
- See OCR’s billing policies, which include policies regarding staff in your office.
- Use the "Add Staff" button in CARES found in the left-side menu User Settings > My Office.
How do I request changes to my contact info or contract status?
- Use the Change Request form to notify OCR of contact or billing information changes, request to change case types or districts, or stop taking OCR appointments.
- For email changes, in addition to the OCR form above, below are two non-OCR contacts as reminders. Please note there are likely several other non-OCR systems and entities to notify if your email changes:
- Email to update your court appointment notification email address.
- Email to update your courts E-Filing account if necessary.
How does the OCR email listserv work; why didn't my email go through?
This one-page guide explains how to use the OCR listserv and its searchable archives. Remember that emails sent from unregistered email addresses or emails containing "out of office" keywords or attachments over 3MB are automatically blocked to protect others' inboxes. If your message is blocked, try resending it from the email address you requested OCR to use for the listserv (or request a change here), be sure to cut large attachments, and delete any "out of office" text anywhere in the body of the email you are sending.
Where can I see contact info for a fellow contractor or OCR staff attorney liaison?
Find contact information for GALs, CFY, CLRs, Litigation Support, and Staff Attorneys above in the Attorneys Help Center, and see Change Requests above to change your contact information.
When and where do I apply for a contract or submit annual contract verifications?
Learn how to apply for an OCR attorney contract on our Get Involved page. OCR posts open applications there each March. Find information about the contract renewal and verification processes in the Applications Timeline at the top of the Attorneys Help Center.
How do I request an associate?
- Associate attorneys seeking to carry their own OCR cases must apply for an OCR contract.
- Certify non-case-carrying associates using the "Add Staff" button in CARES > User Settings > My Office (it takes you to the Certification of Proposed Non-Case-Carrying Associate form).
- See OCR’s billing policies, which include policies regarding staff in your office.
What is a Case Consultant, and how do I request one for my appointment?
OCR offers attorneys the option to work or consult with a Case Consultant (CC) who contracts directly with OCR on an as-needed basis. CCs are professionals who work with attorneys as part of the child's legal team to contribute expertise and experience in social work, counseling, child development, education, and other fields. To learn more about CCs, resources for your legal team, and how to request a CC for one of your appointments, visit the Case Consultant webpage.
How do I certify annual required OCR training and optionally bill for in-person, OCR-hosted training?
All OCR attorneys and direct-contract case consultants must certify their billing requirements due between each July and the following June, and OCR contractors (those with their own direct contract with OCR) can bill for up to 10 hours of in-person, OCR-hosted training. Visit Billing & Reimbursement and scroll down to "Training Certification and Billing Form" to find details on the official form and to submit your annual training certification with this optional billing.
How do I request an expert, second chair, or collateral representation?
Visit Billing & Reimbursement to find the Litigation Support Form to request an expert, second chair, or collateral representation after consulting OCR's Billing Policies and Procedures on these matters.
Click here for an overview of the collateral representation program (through CHLP) and contact information for it, and visit Billing & Reimbursement to make a preapproval request using the Litigation Support Form (if preapproval is needed).
Where do I find the Appellate & Litigation Support List?
Find the Appellate & Litigation Support List above in the Attorneys Help Center. Be sure to consult your contract and OCR's Billing Policies and Procedures on appellate matters.
How do I request an interpreter?
OCR maintains a contract with the Spring Institute for in-person and phone interpretation services. To request an interpreter, complete the request form and email it to the Spring Institute. The OCR will be billed for these services so you will not receive an invoice.
How do I get immigration litigation support for one of my child or youth clients?
Fill out this referral form for the Rocky Mountain Immigration Advocacy Network (RMIAN) to begin the process for a youth's immigration application and RMIAN legal representation. Complete forms should be emailed to both and
You do not need OCR preapproval to seek RMIAN's litigation support on a case.
How can I activate my OCR Colorado Courts Data Access account?
Current OCR attorneys may use the steps below to request their first OCR account and to register a new/different email address (please note that the old email will lose access).
- Current OCR attorneys may visit
- Under the sign-in button, look for a link to click called “Request Government Account” then click “Government Agency Account.”
- Fill in the required information remembering that only current OCR attorneys will be granted access. Our agency name for this is "Office of Child Rep." You cannot use the same account for multiple agencies. The data access administrators will verify your request with OCR and will regularly audit system usage.
- After you have an OCR account, direct questions about using the system to
How do I set up an E-Filing account with the courts?
In many of OCR’s case types, the courts use Colorado’s Electronic Filing (“E-Filing”) for the filing of motions, pleadings, and the sharing of court orders. Attorneys should set up an E-Filing account to be able to file documents into the cases on which they are appointed, and to access documents filed by other parties and court orders.
- Go to
- Click on “Create Account.”
- Select “Law Firm” as the account type.
- Fill out the required information to create an account.
Keep in mind when filing documents into a case that if you are court-appointed counsel (not private pay) on a case, you should select that option when filing and should not be charged for filing fees. Contact E-Filing Customer Support at for any issues with setting up your account.
How do I access Westlaw free through OCR?
- For free access to Westlaw (OCR contract attorneys only), execute an OCR Westlaw User Agreement here, being sure to "Finish" at the end. You must use an email unique to you (meaning an email address that is not shared with another Westlaw user).
- After Westlaw accepts and processes your finished form, you will receive a registration key at the email address you provided on the User Agreement. Click Register in that email to start using Westlaw.
How do I request a court badge?
OCR can provide contractors (individuals who have their own direct contract with OCR) with a photo ID badge to grant expedited access to courts in some (but not all) judicial districts. This may also facilitate entry into schools and other locations. Contact to request a badge from OCR. Include a photo if you want the badge mailed to you; otherwise you can visit Denver to take a photo and pick up your badge.