CLR Case Staffing


OCR to host a case staffing specific to domestic relations CLR appointments, giving contractors who take this case type the opportunity to staff cases with their colleagues and OCR’s staff attorneys. Please see the OCR listserv for a link to join. These case staffings are open to OCR contractors only.

Probate Case Staffing


OCR to host a case staffing specific to probate cases, giving contractors who take this case type the opportunity to staff cases with their colleagues and OCR’s staff attorneys. Please […]

Youth Justice Case Staffing


OCR hosts monthly case staffings specific to Youth Justice/Juvenile Delinquency cases, giving contractors who take this case type the opportunity to staff cases with their colleagues and OCR's Youth Justice […]

OCR Youth Justice Legislative Update


Join us for an update on new legislation from the 2023 legislation session related specifically to youth justice and juvenile delinquency cases. Register Here

OCR Billing Policies & Procedures Update


Join us for an update to OCR's billing policies. The new policies will go into effect July 1st and contractors will receive information via the listserv prior to the effective […]

Increasing Access to Opportunities for Youth in Care


Young people from project Foster Power and OCR’s Lived Experts Action Panel, along with pFP’s adult ally Jordyn Gendel and OCR’s Youth Empowerment Attorney Cara Nord, will facilitate a discussion […]

OCR Spring Conference


Join us for a virtual Spring Conference! Virtual via Zoom | 8:45am - 3:30pm | The sessions will be recorded. 8:45am-9:00am | Welcome 9am-10am | Opening Plenary: How to Speak and Get People to Listen? The Art of Communication and Persuasion | Matthew Taylor Breakout Sessions: 10:30-11:30am | Discovery for GALs and CFY: Rules, Requests, Responses, […]

Beyond the Birds & the Bees: Becoming a Truly Askable Adult


Beyond the Birds & the Bees is a 1.5-hour virtual workshop intended to help adults develop the skills and knowledge to discuss these topics calmly and effectively. Join us for a fun and engaging experience that will further develop the skills needed to be a trusted and safe person for the young people in your […]

Direct File & Transfer Training


The OCR is excited to partner with The Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel and the State Office of the Public Defender to offer a 2-day virtual training on direct file and transfer cases. This training is for attorneys and social workers who work on these cases. Location: Virtual Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Register Here Session line-up: Lived […]

Education Training: Preparing for End of School Year


Elie Zwiebel and Matt Cloven join us again to provide practice tips for educational advocacy for the second semester of the school year. Detailed description coming soon. Register Here