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OCR Town Hall – COLAP Presentation – Compassion Fatigue

COLAP Presentation: Understanding and Managing Compassion Fatigue

Amy Kingery from COLAP will provide a 1-hour CLE presentation on:

  • Understanding the neurobiology and neurophysiology of stress and trauma
  • Understanding the effects of stress, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue
  • Identifying what each attendee’s personal stress response looks like, and identifying warning signs for fatigue or burnout
  • Building resiliency factors to support self, colleagues and staff in mitigating the impact of trauma exposure

Presenter Bio:  Amy Kingery is the Assistant Director for the Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program (COLAP).  She received her BA from the University of Hawai’i-Hilo and her MSW and MBA from Newman University.  Ms. Kingery is a Colorado licensed clinical social worker and licensed addiction counselor.  She is a Colorado native with over 15 years’ experience serving individuals, families and professionals working within the intersections of the courts, child welfare, behavioral health and trauma.


*Town halls are limited to OCR contractors only.

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