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ICWA Webinar

This webinar is mandatory for all OCR contract attorneys.
[title size=”4″]Register[/title]

Register for this Webinar Here!

If you are an OCR attorney and cannot view the webinar live on January 27th, please make arrangements to view the recording within 45 days. The recording will be available on the OCR website by Monday, January 30th.


[title size=”4″]Learn More[/title]

The webinar will cover important information about the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and will include:

– An overview of the Department of Interior’s Final Rule on ICWA (effective December 12, 2016;)
– An overview of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Guidelines December 2016);
– Colorado ICWA; and
– The role of the GAL in handling ICWA related cases.

CLE credits pending.

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