Core Competencies II: Orientation for New Attorneys & Case Consultants


Core Competencies II is Part II of the new attorney and new case consultant orientation training. This is required for new contractors who started their contract in July 2024, and is open to existing contractors as well. This training is in follow up to Core Competencies I, which was held in July 2024.

Training Materials


Welcome to Core Competencies II: Orientation for New Attorneys & Case Consultants

Permanency Goal: Return Home

Permanency Goal: APR, RGAP, Guardianship

Permanency Goal: Adoption

Permanency Goal: OPPLA

What Does Permanency Really Mean to Children & Youth?

Preparing for Termination (Attorneys)

Case Consultant Training (CCs)

Keeping Your North Star: Even When Things Go South

Tips from the Bench: What Makes an Effective GAL/CFY?

Effective Parent Engagement & Communication

OCR Resources & Practice Tools: What’s Available & Where Do I Find It?

Building a Sustainable Practice