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Youth Bill of Rights HB24-1017: Community Partner Training

Youth Bill of Rights (YBOR – HB24-1017), which went into effect August 7th!

The Youth Bill of Rights:

  • establishes 9 categories of rights for young people residing in foster care or participating in the Foster Youth in Transition Program;
  • requires that young people receive a form notice of their rights developed by OCR with input from young people with lived experience; and
  • creates judicial enforcement mechanisms – e.g., courts may issue any orders to any party to ensure the provision of YBOR rights and YBOR rights may not be limited/denied unless a court finds by clear and convincing evidence that there are extraordinary circumstances and the limitation/denial is necessary for the safety of the young person.

OCR’s implementation efforts related to HB24-1017 have included the development of the statutorily-mandated notice form and a Foster Youth Rights webpage, as well as the facilitation of a DCW Townhall with members of our Lived Experts Action Panel (LEAP).

OCR is also offering a training for our community partners on October 1, 2024, from 12-1:30.

Please register here.

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