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Youth in Court

Join us to explore the why of youth court participation, including federal and state laws, social science, comments from Colorado youth, and national policies from the American Bar association, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and National Association of Advocates for Children. The presenters will also cover the youth engagement requirements throughout House Bill 22-1038 Concerning Client-Directed Legal Representation for Youth in Court Proceedings for Youth (including children/youth as parties, children’s/youth’s right to attend court proceedings, and counsel’s obligation to provide children/youth developmentally appropriate notice of hearings) and practical tips/supports related to these requirements.

Presenters: Cara Nord, OCR’s Youth Empowerment Attorney | Elizabeth Arrieta, Lived Expert



Please reach out to OCR’s Training Director with any questions | MichelleJensen@coloradochildrep.org


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